About Us

‘Astitvaa’ literally translates to ‘Identity’.

With the lack of financial stability and money comes the inevitable identity crisis. With Astitvaa we aim to create identity of those underprivileged by providing education and employment to the needy, fighting hunger and thus creating a home for all of humanity to live in. Combating climate change and a variety of environmental issues that we humans, have brought upon ourselves due to our recklessness is one of our main goals. Astitvaa’s logo is the tree which initially started out as a sapling whose seed found hope to growth in the minds of our co-founders, Aayush Chudiwal and Parth Deshmukh. Whilst hanging out together one day, their hearts struck a chord with the people around them and inspired them to build something new that inspires hope.

“You see the underprivileged around you and a certain feeling climbs up your chest that knows that they deserve equal opportunities to showcase their talents and to make their dreams come true.”
-Parth Deshmukh (Co-founder)

Astitvaa is an entirely youth-led initiative with the team entirely made up of adolescents. We believe that mother nature has blessed us with her arms wide open and generous and now, it’s our responsibility to give back as the power to change the future rests in our hands. Join us, in our journey of making a change in this world and thus creating ‘Astitvaa’.